Our Personal Accident Insurance Policy gives complete protection against all accident occurrences that might lead to death or badly injury of the insured person. If the accident leads to the untimely death of the Insured, this policy will provide complete financial security to the Insured family members. The policy also covers eventualities where though the insured person survives an accident, he is crippled for the rest or part of his life, In such cases, the policy will pay a fixed percentage of sum Insured depending upon the type of disablement.
The Complete benefit plan under the policy is given below:
Note: Other benefits for accidents resulting into loss of fingers/toes or ant other permanent partial disablement range from 5% to 40% depending on the type of disability.
For temporary total disability, 1% of Sum Insured per week is payable subject to a maximum of Rs. 6,000/- per week.
For the extra protection and relief in those hard times, Good Faith Personal Accident Insurance Policy also gives the following additional benefits.
Some of the important Exclusion under the policy are self-injury, suicide, venereal disease, insanity, influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs, pregnancy or childbirth, HIV or AIDS, war and nuclear risks etc.